Francesca Findlater OBE
Founder, Bounce Back
Executive Director, No Going Back
Trustee, Think Through Nutrition
As Founder of the Award winning Rehabilitation Charity, Bounce Back, Fran’s last 14 years have been spent working to support people from prison into training, qualifications and employment. Having seen the charity welcome several thousand people through its doors she has now made Bounce Back a wholly owned subsidiary of a larger charity and turned her attention to heading up a project with over 32 of the Livery Companies of the City of London to drive a similar concept, No Going Back, through their networks with the addition of housing provision for those that need it. Having come previously from an extensive career in communications within a global corporate group, the common ingredient she has always sought in all her activity is partnering and working with large established organisations to deliver their social impact while helping them make a recognisable difference to people’s lives.
A long standing advocate of social enterprise, having formed a Bounce Back decorating social enterprise and imminently a new Livery-owned cleaning social enterprise, Francesca is a passionate supporter of, amongst others, Cockpit Arts, the UK’s creative-business incubator for designer-makers. She is also on a number of creative advisory boards.