Professor Tom Brenna

Professor of Pediatrics, of Chemistry, and of Human Nutrition

Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin, USA

Member, Science Advisory Council, Think Through Nutrition, UK


Professor Tom Brenna is a professor of pediatrics at Dell Medical School, part of the University of Texas at Austin. He moved to Austin after 28 years as a professor of human nutrition, chemistry, chemical biology and food science at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

Tom’s research – through his research group, the Brenna Lab – couples nutrition and chemistry in a broadly interdisciplinary program. The Brenna Lab’s basic research into the chemical, biochemical, metabolic, genetic and ecological aspects of fatty acids have had a decisive influence on modern knowledge of these key nutrients and made a significant impact towards improving human nutrition through basic advances in chemical analysis. The Brenna Lab was among those contributing to the recognition that dietary omega-3 fatty acids are required for proper brain and retinal function in developing infants.

On receiving the AOCS Herbert J. Dutton Award in 2020, Tom said:

“Science is advanced chiefly by those obsessed with making sense of the world. First is required a single-minded dedication to good technical measurements. Everything starts there. Second is an obsession for organizing empirical results into models accessible to the human mind – we call those theories. Third, is an underlying recognition of the primacy of humanity, a desire to apply the best ideas to improve the human condition.”

Find out more

  • AOCS Herbert J. Dutton Award for advances in analytical chemistry (2020).

    American Society for Nutrition's Osborne and Mendel Award for outstanding contributions to basic research in nutrition (2017)

    American Society for Nutrition's Robert Herman Award for the advancement of clinical nutrition (2013).

  • Member, Science Advisory Council, Think Through Nutrition

    Board Member, Seafood Nutrition Partnership

    Deputy Editor, British Journal of Nutrition

    Editorial Board Member, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry

    President (2015-2018), International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL)

    Member, 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee appointed by the U.S. secretaries of Health and Human Services and of Agriculture

    Visit ORCID for further information.

  • Professor Brenna’s research group focuses on three key areas:

    • Requirements for polyunsaturated fatty acids in the perinatal period

    • Development of advanced analytical chemical instrumentation, particularly mass spectrometry, for biomedical applications

    • Development of high-precision isotope ratio mass spectrometry for anti-doping applications

  • For a full list of publications, visit PubMed and Google Scholar.

“Science is advanced chiefly by those obsessed with making sense of the world. First is required a single-minded dedication to good technical measurements. Everything starts there.”

— Professor Tom Brenna