Supporter Charter
Our supporters are at the heart of our work.
We appreciate and value the generous support of the companies, charitable trusts, individuals and public bodies that contribute to our work. You enable us to fulfil our mission and provide the best possible support to our beneficiaries.
Purpose of this Charter
This charter outlines our commitment to our supporters.
We value all the contributions you make towards our work. We are grateful for your donations, actions, and that you've chosen to support us. Our goal is to make this evident in every contact we have with you.
About us
The charity
Think Through Nutrition was established as a charity in 1983 and is the UK’s leading voice on the link between nutrition, the brain and behaviour. Our work addresses the rise in mental health and behavioural issues that are often a direct result of poor diet. We support people to make positive changes to their diets and build better futures through research, policy and advocacy, and – importantly – education.
Why trust us?
In all our activities, we are guided by our mission, vision, and charitable objectives and strive always to act with integrity, transparency, and impartiality. Our values underpin all that we do. We are:
Ground breaking: We pioneered serious academic inquiry into the link between food, brain and behaviour and continue to lead in delivering real-world change
Uncompromising: We are founded on rigorous science, guided by our Science Advisory Council, which includes many of the foremost academics in the field of nutrition and the brain
Informative: We provide easily accessible information and educational materials, enabling everyone to think through nutrition and put their learning into action
Responsive: We are always adapting to new ways of working, leveraging our 37 years of history and experience to deliver impact
Our commitment to you
We're committed to legal, open, honest and respectful fundraising. We are a registered charity in England and Wales (517817).
We're registered with the Fundraising Regulator, who regulate and promote high standards in fundraising.
We make the following commitment to our supporters.
We’ll work with you positively
Will welcome all new supporters and provide you with information about us
Are keen to hear from you - your feedback encourages us, and helps us improve what we do
Will always answer your questions, or let you know why we can't.
We’ll manage your donation with respect
Will thank you for your donation (unless you've asked us not to), handle it responsibly, and apply it to the purpose for which it was given
Keep you informed about the area of our work that you are supporting
Keep our fundraising costs low to ensure that as much of your donation as possible goes directly to increasing the impact of our work
How we work
In line with this, we have put in place a robust governance framework and consider every new partnership carefully, allowing us to uphold the independence of our advice and support.
This means that we might not always be able to do what you ask; if that’s the case, we’ll explain why. For example, we do not endorse any products or allow commercial or political pressure to influence the information we share, the advice we give, the programmes we deliver, or our advocacy work.
To ensure that we take all actions with due consideration, we follow a clear scheme of delegation that includes a multi-stage sign-off procedure for strategic changes, programme development, and messaging. As appropriate, our most important decisions are made by an active Board of Trustees with diverse skills and experience, informed by a Science Advisory Council that consists of prominent academics in the fields in which we operate.
We’ll handle your data sensitively
Will treat the information you share with us as you wish us to, and contact you in the ways that you prefer
Will ensure that we handle your information in a safe, secure, sensitive and confidential way in line with our legal and regulatory obligations
Will provide simple ways for you to let us know if your preferences change
Won't sell or share your details with other organisations
Are committed to treating all complaints and serious concerns rigorously, sensitively, and with discretion and understanding.